Science articles and medical features written by scientists internationally...

26 January 2008

Just as winter follows summer, the chances are you'll catch a cold this winter - but what is the sticky stuff that...

19 January 2008

What's the evidence that the world's becoming a warmer place, or are claims of climate change quite literally...

14 January 2008

So what exactly is linguistics? Is it all about tape recorders, tongue twisters and dropped "aitches"? Or is...

04 January 2008

We tend to think of parasites as evolutionary cheats, surreptitiously taking advantage of their hosts’ hard work while...

22 December 2007

Snowflakes form when water vapour condenses directly into ice crystals, and for many years writers have used their...

06 December 2007

Equivalent in land area to 14 Isle of Mans, or Rhode Island State twice over, the Louisiana Wetlands are one of the...

01 December 2007

International Polar Years commenced in 1882-3, as the inspiration of Austrian explorer and naval officer Lieutenant...

27 November 2007

The Pythia, the prophetess at the Oracle of Delphi, was said to be able to communicate with Apollo by going into a...

25 November 2007

There are 100,000,000,000 nerve cells in a brain, surrounded by at least 10 times as many supporting cells...

06 November 2007

Ask anyone who made the world’s best violins and they’ll inevitably answer "Stradivari". But science is...

30 October 2007

What do pop-up books and some of the most fundamental molecules of life have in common? Charlotte Rusby enters a world...

11 September 2007

Usually, when the immune system meets something foreign, the offending intruder is swiftly attacked and neutralised....

03 August 2007

Climate change has been blamed with altering the environment – from animal migrations to sea level. Now it's also...

29 July 2007

Beating your head against a hard surface can be a sign of frustration, yet for a woodpecker it’s a fact of life. So why...

14 July 2007

Why re-invent the wheel when Nature has already come up with the best solution? Becky Poole explores the field of...

07 July 2007

Mention plastics and most people think of polythenes, perspex and other oil-based nasties that never break down. But...

30 June 2007

There are five million new cases of HIV internationally every year, and the virus is second only to tobacco as the...

22 June 2007

Dementia-prone mice have shown researchers than an old mouse can learn new tricks, given the right environment...

03 June 2007

Contrary to what Hollywood would have you believe, although it’s almost impossible to escape from quicksand, it's...

03 June 2007

What is a thunderstorm, how is lightning generated by clouds, how much energy is there in a lightning bolt, and could...

24 May 2007

The lymphatic system is your body's drainage system. It collects the excess fluid that surrounds cells and returns...

22 May 2007

Bacteriophages were big business before penicillin and other antimicrobials appeared on the scene. But now, with...

20 April 2007

Whether you love or loath the white stuff, it is unavoidable on your TV and in your paper. What is milk, is it good for...